China and Philippine sink into stalemate
because of HuangYan Island (in South China Sea).
Yizhou Wang, (2003). Doctor of international political, China, Global Politics
China’s foreign Policy, The world knowledge
Yizhou is not
only a chief editor of The World Economy and Politics, but also the vice
president of international relations college, Beijing University. During the
past twenty years, he has been to more than forty countries to visiting,
researching and participating conferences. From 1996 to 1997, he was in Harvard
University international affairs center as visiting scholar. Moreover, he has
published more than four hundred articles in reviews, report, reviews and other
kinds of paper. Yizhou indicated that Philippine has many purposes in HuangYan
lsland problem and its provoked made Chinese can’t endure any more. If the
conflict really happened, Philippine will definitely lose in military,
diplomatic and legal theory. His ten main books are usually used as analyzing
teaching material in universities, “Global Politics China’s foreign Policy” (2003) is
one of them which focus on the International relations in the individual and
the country sovereignty. The theme of this book tightly related to how to treat
the relationship between China and Philippine. It overcomes the previous
diplomatic study which just limitedly interacted between two countries, and put
the large field of analysis view on the global politics. He expressed that
China diplomacy should regard the background of the global politics as chief
source, that is the only possible to push china diplomacy and design of international
strategic to the level of world power.
The East (dongfang)
daily, Chinese&English(both) Web Edition (2012).
Philippine Manila Standard Today News:
HuangYan Island really belongs to China. May 9th, 2011. 2:34 p.m. (in
Australia--Brisbane time) retrieved from
article obtained the highest click rate after it published in fifteen minutes
since ‘striving for HuangYan Island’ has happened, so it fully deserved the
appellation of bombshell. On account of the original article has been local blocked,
the news can be only found in websites transshipment. This transshipment covers
whole original article and has bilingual published, this composing definitely
increased the range of readers. The attractive point of this article is Victor N. Arches II who comes from
Philippine and published an article “HuangYan Island really belongs to China”. This
article not only makes Philippine in an embarrassing situation, but also let
China grow ambition. He used to be an investor, commercial banker and former
economist. In April 28th of 2012, he published this article in the
fourth largest newspaper of Philippines and strongly accused that Philippine
government deceived the general public. This article starts with the history of
HuangYan Island from 1279, and briefly used many data and history record to
prove that HuangYan belongs to China.
The Christian Science
Monitor, English Web Edition (2012). China blames the Philippines for South China Sea dispute.
By Ariel Zirulnick,
Staff writer / May 8th, 2012.
Retrieved from
article published by Ariel Zirulnick who is the Monitor’s Europe editor,
overseeing regional coverage for both and the weekly magazine. The
article not only reports the crisis situation between China and Philippine, but
also analyzes the crises in a global background. Ariel reports that China warned the Philippines that confrontation
over a disputed island in the South China Sea could worsen, and has perfect
preparation for any escalations. Comparing with the corresponding period
“HuangYan Island” news, this article is more specific, deep going and
attractive. It roundly covers both sides’ official speeches, China and Philippine,
this really helps audiences to clear the fact of “scramble for HuangYan Island”.
Moreover, Ariel indicates the effect of Philippine’s behind-the-screen helper,
America. This article indicates that America assist has promoted provocation of
Philippine, but America recently stated neutral in this standoff. Ariel didn’t
use her voice but borrow from other people’s speech to comment it. This method
is smart and professional, and it also let audience touch more first sources.
GMA news, English Web Edition (2012). China issues warnings on Philippines. May 10th
2012, 7:00 p.m PHL. JASON GUTIERREZ, Agence France-Presse Retrieved from:
Jason Gutierrez is a journalist of Agence France-Presse which
is not only the first news agency in the world, but also the
biggest one in France. This article constitute by many opinions which from government,
populace and foreign ministry spokesman. From those opinions, audiences will
clear about the current situations of China and Philippine. This type of
expressing is able to helps author to closes the distance between audiences and
events, and let audiences feel the events are real and easy touched. Moreover,
those opinions come from different levels of society in both China and
Philippine, so comparing with other simplex sources article, this article is
more interesting, comprehensive and attractive. Beside this, Jason compared the
China geographical relevance (distance) of HuangYan Island with Philippine’s. Numbers
usually make audiences want to pass and ignore but not for this one. Audiences will
sketch the rough map by reading the data, this helps them to analyze, understand
and evaluate about this standoff.
Graphic on disputed boundaries in
the South China Sea. The Philippines said its flagship navy vessel was involved
in a standoff on Wednesday with two Chinese surveillance ships that blocked the
arrest of the Chinese fishermen. AFPgrahics
Yizhou Wang, (2003). Doctor
of international political, China, Global
Politics China’s foreign Policy, The world knowledge press.
The East (dongfang) daily,
Chinese&English(both) Web Edition (2012). Philippine Manila Standard Today News: HuangYan Island really belongs to
China. May 9th, 2011. 2:34 p.m. (in Australia--Brisbane time)
retrieved from
The Christian Science Monitor, English Web Edition (2012). China blames
the Philippines for South China Sea dispute. By
Ariel Zirulnick,
Staff writer / May 8th, 2012.
Retrieved from
(4) GMA news, English Web Edition (2012). China issues warnings on Philippines. May 10th
2012, 7:00 p.m PHL. JASON GUTIERREZ, Agence France-Presse Retrieved from: